Entertainment Travel

Top 5 K-Drama Locations to Travel To

Like many others, author has indulged herself in the many wonders of the K-drama world when introduced to the Korean culture. So when planning an itinerary, how can we miss out on the famous K-drama filming spots, so we can relive the romance and fantasy that we have watched on-screen?

Here are some of the top K-drama travel spots that author is aiming for!

  1. Winter Sonata – Nami Island

This may reveal the age of author *coughs coughs*, but Winter Sonata was one of the first K-dramas that author has watched. The romantic love story between Yu Jin and Jun Sang have stolen the hearts of many, with Winter Sonata being one of the most popular Korean dramas to have aired. Hence with the popularity of the K-drama, many have sought the iconic filming spot: Nami Island!

Located near Seoul, it is a very beautiful island, with its beautiful tree lanes being the most popular background for photoshoots, and suitable in all seasons!

Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter… which is your favorite season?

Many even claim the drama made Nami Island a popular tourist spot. Did you guys know that there’s even a statue of Yu Jun and Jun Sang on the island?!

Winter Sonata statues at Nami Island

2. Descendants of the Sun – Wolmido Island Theme Park

Wolmi island Theme Park in Descendants of the Sun
Just looking at Song Joong Ki makes my day *contented sigh*

Found on Wolmido Island near Incheon, the Wolmi Theme park is featured in the infamous Descendant on The Sun’s first episode, where soldier-brothers Yoo Si Jin and Choi Dae Young are spending their time off trying to win themselves “girlfriends” – making up the show’s famous stuff toys.

Descendants Of The Sun Wolf Fox And Rabbit Soft Toys
Not to make you guys jealous, but author has a set of them – as per size in the drama – at home! ❤

Wolmi Theme Park is a popular amusement park complex located on Wolmido Island. It was formerly known as My Land, which first opened in September 1992. The theme park has made appearances in several other variety shows like “We Got Married,” “Two Days and One Night,” “Running Man,” and more!

3. What’s Wrong With Secretary Kim – Everland Amusement Park

If Wolmido Island is not on your itinerary, then you can travel to the Everland Amusement Park in Gyeonggi-do, which is near to Seoul! The theme park appears as ‘Yumyung Land’ in What’s Wrong With Secretary Kim K-drama, where Kim Mi So and Park Yoo Sik meets in Episode 2 and 11.

There are also many other dramas that have filmed here before, including The Producers, The King 2 Hearts, A Korean Odyssey, and Bride of Habaek!

4. I Can Hear Your Voice – Coex Aquarium

The first kiss between Jang Hye-sung and Park Soo-ha takes place in episode 8 of I Can Hear Your Voice, and it happened in none other than the Coex Aquarium in Coex Mall. Author just has a personal fascination towards aquariums, where we can see all the sea creatures like dolphins, stingrays, sharks, starfish, and penguins!

Being one of the largest aquariums in South Korea, it boasts of the highest number of sharks and the largest variety of species in the country. And since it is located conveniently in Seoul, you can definitely drop the place a visit if you are nearby!

5. While You Were Sleeping – Bukchon Hanok Village

The infamous wall painting featured in “While You Were Sleeping”

The best place to really experience Korean culture is by going to Bukchon Hanok Village, which literally means “northern village”. Bukchon Hanok Village is a neighborhood full of alleys and Hanok – traditional houses that date back to the Joseon dynasty! Up to this day, there are still preserved Hanok that they use as cultural centers, tea house, accommodation, and restaurants.

Bukchon Hanok Village view in Seoul

It is no wonder that the cultural placed is being used as the filming spot for many of the K-dramas, including Hotel Del Luna, Goblin, and Coffee Prince!

So after seeing these K-drama locations, which ones are you most interested in? Drop a comment below to vote for your favorite K-drama spot! 😉