
Join Go Go Challenge initiated by Ministry of Environment, South Korea in conjunction with P4G Seoul Summit! #고고챌린지

2 more days counting for the 2021 P4G Summit happening in Seoul on 30 – 31st May this year to discuss on the world environmental issues and sustainable development goals (SDGs).

In conjunction with the summit, the Ministry of Environment in Republic of Korea launched Go Go Challenge to create social movement in reducing the usage of plastic by appointing other friends to join the challenge. Many government agencies consequently promote this social movement by sharing their participation in major social media. Recently, the Ambassador of Korean Mission to ASEAN, H.E. Lim Sung Nam, together with the Mission staffs shared their participation in their official Twitter account and appointed the Ambassador of ROK to Thailand to join the challenge! #고고챌린지

Other Tweets about Go Go Challenge #고고챌린지 from the Ambassadors

Go Go Challenge also has its own Instagram account. Do check out their cute mascot in their posts here! #고고챌린지 

Melvin Tan

Online Supporter for Mission of Korea to ASEAN 2021

Bio-science student in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Korean Enthusiasts
Korean learner for 10 years, but still amateur

Instagram: @tanmawen
YouTube: Jom with Mawen

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