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#K-Culture101: Do You Know How Koreans Celebrate their 1st Birthday? #Doljanchi #돌잔치

What is the most awaited day of the year for you? You get the hint on the title above🤭 Yes, the answer is… our birthday!

When we talk about birthdays, the celebration will be the first thing that came up in our mind. It’s different in each country depends on their traditions. In Korea, first birthday of the newborns is considered as a very important event with significant meanings. Koreans refer it as Doljanchi.

Do you want to know more about Doljanchi? Let’s take a look together!😉

A Heart-breaking history

Doljanchi is an old tradition of Korean society that is still being practiced until today. This tradition is carried out to celebrate the child’s first birthday with their family members. Even though this tradition is celebrated with much ‘euphoric’ vibes, but in fact the history behind it is quite heart-breaking💔.

It was started during the times when Korea was going through difficult times due to economic crisis and disease outbreaks. The infant’s mortality rate surged and many children unfortunately died before they turned 1. Due to this, the Koreans started to celebrate 1st birthdays of their children to express their gratitude and happiness of a healthy child. The purpose of this tradition is also to give blessing to their children for having a good health and long life ahead.

Doljabi (돌잡이) to predict the child’s future

Beside singing ‘happy birthday’ and blowing out candles, there is also a special custom during the Doljanchi celebration in which they use objects to predict the future of the child, called Doljabi (돌잡이) .

Dol (돌) : first birthday ceremony

Jabi (잡이) : the act of hold

Just like the meaning of the words, during the activity of doljabi, the child will choose one or two objects among a various choices which each stands for a different meaning. The objects they chose first or second are believed to be their ‘possible’ future careers.

Now, let’s learn about the ‘hidden’ meanings of some common objects in doljabi!😆

Meaning of Dol-jabi’s objects:

  • Stetoscope : Doctor
  • Money : Enterpreneur
  • Pen / Book : Scholar
  • Microphone : Entertainer / Singer
  • Colourful threads : Longevity
  • Gavle : Judge
  • Ball : Soccer player
  • Arrow : Military

Cute baby photoshoots in Hanbok

During doljanchi celebration, Korean parents will also bring their children to take special photographs in studios by wearing the traditional Hanbok. Some of the parents will even hire a videographer to record the process for a memory.

Sam Hammington’s kids William & Bentley doing Hanbok photoshoots. So cute🥺

Of course, not every family in Korea will celebrate doljanchi with all the activities. However, many Koreans also choose to celebrate without having a big party. Whatsoever, the main point of a birthday celebration is to show gratitude and wish the best for the children!

On that day we are so blessed to be born and given a chance to live an amazing life in this beautiful world. So remember to always be grateful. You were born for the best reason.🤍

Now we have come to the end of today’s post, yay! Hope this articles helps you to know Doljachi and the Korean traditions better!

Before you go, how about some quiz?

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