
EXO BAEKHYUN Double Million Seller for His New Album #BAMBI

What a day to start week with the news that Baekhyun has been one of the Double Million Seller for his 3rd Mini Album, Bambi.

It’s not easy for a solo artist to achieve this much and that proves how popular he is!

HEADLINES: ‘EXO Baekhyun Achieves Double Miillion Seller title…One Top Soloist!’

Click photo for original article!

Fun Fact!: As of 18th April 2021, ‘Bambi’ recorded a total of 1.068 million copies sold and achieves 1 million sales in 20 days since the album release (So-called Double Million!!). The power he got while putting the name of EXO and the Baekhyun himself!

Translation; To Lovely Reporters, ‘The Precious King’, ‘All Top Soloist’..eyyyy ~~ I am not~ eyy …really.. it’s not like that! Eyyyyyy ~~~ I’m really embarrassed *heart emoticon*! Aigoo why the emoticon suddenly like this … ㅋㅋㅋㅋ whatever it is, I’m relief that Eri’s happy

(p/s; Eri is the name that Baekhyun called to the fan, how sweet our Baekhyun is, right?)

But the thing that fan really happy is that he always thanks his EXO-L despite of the fancy titles and awards. That’s what make him really humble gentleman. He always makes sure fans know it first! Fans already know he is a ‘King of Spoiler’ in the group, making sure they stan for the right person and the right group!

Along with this news as well, we already know that he is going to be enlisted in military soon during his 29th Birthday which will fall on May 6th!

Despite of his fun and bright character, EXO-L are worried that he will be joining as a public service worker same like his member Suho, making him as the second member of EXO to get longer period of service up to 2 years!

Click the picture for the article!

(p/s; For idol who have health problem usually, they will need to serve as Public Service Worker and that is prove that Baekhyun is not in a good condition even we can see him laugh and everything.)

Prove that fan see him in hurt

We hope Baekhyun will get well soon and please know that all EXO-L will be waiting for you! So, to all the EXO-L out there, keep streaming the Bambi song and make him proud of you.

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알리샤 이 | 양은수

Online Supporter of Korean Embassy in Kuala Lumpur 2021 Honorary Reporter 2021

Follow me in: @alisyanasir

By Alisya Lee 🇲🇾

Practice what makes you perfect!!

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