
Learn Vocabs through Hanja!

Hi everyone! In this article, I will tell you guys a secret to learn to memorize Korean Vocabs quickly. Hanja is Chinese writing or characters, that were used by Koreans or Joseon saram a hundred years ago. Learning hanja will make us easier to remember certain vocabs since we will be able to understand more the root and meaning of every block in Korean words!

So for the first Hanja that we are going to learn is won, which means house. Won combined with other blocks will form various meanings of Korean words!

There are many more Hanjas that sound as won, but each will have different meaning. For this (院) won it means house or jib. In most cases,

공공 기관’ 또는 ‘공공 단체’의 뜻을 더하는 접미사.

A suffix used to mean a public institution or an organization.

source : naver dictionary
source from naver dictionary

1. byeong-won 병원

병든 사람을 진찰(診察), 치료(治療) 및 예방(豫防)하기 위(爲)하여 설비(設備)를 갖추어 놓은 곳
a place where sick people are treated, checked and prevented

byeong means illness,
병 (illness) + 원 (house) = sick house = hospital

괜찮은 *병원* in It’s Okay Not to be Okay

2. yeon-gu-won 연구원



어떤 분야(分野)를 전문적(專門的)으로 연구(硏究)하기 위(爲)하여 설치(設置)한 기관(機關)
an institution established to study a field professionally

연구 (research) + 원 (house) = research institute

서울 여구원 (Seoul Research Institute)

3. hak-won 학원

학교(學校) 설치(設置) 기준(基準)의 여러 조건(條件)을 갖추지 않는 사립 교육(敎育) 기관(機關). 주(主)로 진학(進學) 지도(指導), 직업(職業) 교육(敎育) 따위를 행(行)함
Private educational institutions that do not meet the various criteria of the establishment of schools. mainly teaching, vocational education, etc.

hak 學 means study, education in Hanja.
hak + won = educational house = academy (in most scenarios, Koreans take parts in Hakwon as a place to learn other skills than what are being taught in school, something similar like tuition centre in Malaysia.)

국어학원 (Learning Centre for National Language ‘Korean’)

4. ib-won 입원

환자(患者)가 입원하여 치료(治療)를 받는 방(房)
a room in which a patient is hospitalized for treatment

ib hanja is 入 which means enter, join.
입 (enter) + 원 (house) = admitted, hospitalized

Eun Dan Oh 입원 as she gets heart attack again! -Extraordinary You

5. won-jang 원장

「원(院)」 자(字)가 붙은 기관(機關) 시설(施設)의 장(長)
-원 is attached to the head of organization/institution

jang means chief in korean.
원 (house) + 장 (chief) = director, president

오(oh) *원장* in It’s Okay Not to be Okay

6. beob-won 법원

소송 사건을 심판하는 국가(國家) 기관(機關). 대법원(大法院), 고등법원(高等法院), 지방법원(地方法院)
A state agency that judges litigation cases. the Supreme Court, the High Court, and the District Court

법 (beob) 法 means law, act.
법 (law) + 원 (house) = court (法 院)

7. mun-hwa-won 문화원



문화 (mun-hwa), means culture in Korean.
문화 (culture) + 원 (house) = cultural centre, cultural institute

If you want to learn more about Hanja and other Korean lessons, do check them out in and I’m referring to this book for this post! Click and access to the book : click here


Thank you for reading, see you guys in the next article! Don’t forget to share and comment!

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2020 Korea Online Supporter

A passionate Korean language learner! Follow me and my journey on :

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